







作为一名通勤学生, 阿比盖尔·史密斯 ’25 enjoys the best of both worlds – a quality education and time with her family. 几位教授帮助她发现了自己对 工作室艺术和艺术史. And Carthage has provided many opportunities to explore her passion, including participating in a 本科生研究经历, serving as a ceramics studio and 画廊 assistant, and exhibiting in the annual juried art show.

奖学金, 包括博彩网址大全学术荣誉基金, Aspire和董事补助金, 以及各种捐助者资助的助学金和奖学金, 比如达雷尔R. 和Karen L. 威尔逊捐赠奖学金, have given her the freedom to focus on her studies and dedicate herself wholeheartedly to her artistic endeavors.

通勤到博彩网址大全 马上申请

“Carthage has been instrumental in shaping my artistic journey and providing me with the skills and knowledge I need to pursue my dreams in the art world. 我对未来和未来的可能性感到兴奋.”



“我选择博彩网址大全的一个重要原因是它离家近. 我是一个超级顾家的人,照顾好我的家人是我的头等大事. 所以,能够在学习的时候和他们呆在一起对我来说是件大事. Being a commuter has worked out great because I get the best of both worlds — quality education and being there for my family when they need me. 这是一个双赢的局面! 博彩网址大全在学生、教师和工作人员中培养了强烈的社区意识.”


“The Carthage faculty have played a profound role in shaping my college experience and charting my academic journey. The remarkable faculty members guided me towards my true passions and helped me find my authentic path.

“通过她的丙烯绘画课程, Diane Levesque教授 成为了我进入艺术世界的催化剂. 她培养了我的创造力,鼓励我探索内心的激情. 她的指导让我意识到,我一直渴望博彩网址大全艺术.

“同样的, 乔金·凡·温克尔教授 在我成为艺术家的过程中扮演了重要的角色. 她的指导帮助我打破了自己的壳,拓宽了我的艺术视野. Her kindness and support were particularly crucial during challenging times with my family’s health. Jojin教授和 Ryan P教授. 米勒 在我参与暑期本科生研究经历(SURE)中发挥了重要作用。. 与教授紧密合作. 米勒是我的荣幸,他的理解和积极在我的生命中留下了不可磨灭的印记. 我们的关系超越了学术范畴, 让我们可以就不同的话题进行对话, 营造一个舒适和相互支持的环境.

Jose Avalos教授 也起到了关键作用. 他的指导推动我走向混合媒体,鼓励我跳出思维定势. 他的善良和我们迷人的谈话总是一个亮点. 他对学生成功的真诚关怀确实鼓舞人心. 我非常感激他对我作为学生和艺术家的影响.

”此外, 金伯利·格林教授的 对我生活的影响是变革性的. 作为她陶瓷工作室的助手之一, 我获得了实用技能,并与她建立了深厚的联系. 这种联系使我能够与其他教师和学生互动, 建立了一个丰富我大学生活的关系网. 感谢教授. 格林, I had the incredible opportunity to connect with folks in the art world and donors during the Russian Soviet Art Exhibition.”


“毫无疑问, 我在博彩网址大全最喜欢的课是油画, 而这一切都要感谢和教授的美妙经历. 米勒. 他的课堂气氛非常悠闲,这让参加他的课程成为一种乐趣. 教授. 米勒一直鼓励我走出自己的舒适区, 使班级真正特别,并导致显著的艺术成长. Exploring the world of oil paint and its mediums under his guidance was a fun journey of 发现. 同样给我带来快乐的还有我的同学, 谁很容易联系并形成一个支持性的社区. 我们在工作室之外也有着密切的联系, cheering each other on and creating a fun and collaborative environment that enhanced the learning experience. 整体, 这门课程作为一门技能培养课程而引人注目, 艺术探索, 还有一种团聚的感觉,让每一次会面都令人难忘.”


“对我来说,博彩网址大全最难的课程绝对是 化学. 我要同时应付几门课程,这对我来说是一个真正的挑战. 平衡所有这些需求可不是开玩笑的. 然而,我很幸运地拥有 萨拉·斯诺教授 作为我的导师. 她是一个真正的支持系统. She made the effort to guide me through the parts I found confusing, and that support meant a lot. 化学可能是一场斗争,但有教授. 雪的帮助使旅程不那么令人生畏了.”


“我对各种俱乐部和组织的参与丰富了我在博彩网址大全的时光. 我是一个骄傲的成员 艺术俱乐部 和“最好的朋友”,但我的主要关注点和活动一直是在艺术俱乐部. Being a part of the 艺术俱乐部 has allowed me to connect with students who share the same passion for creativity and self-expression. 通过俱乐部的活动, 我有机会与有才华的同事一起合作和学习. These experiences have not only fostered my growth as an artist but have also provided a platform to engage with the broader artistic community on campus.”


“在博彩网址大全,我很幸运地抓住了其他几个机会. 一个令人兴奋的冒险是我即将担任的角色 画廊 助理,与教授密切合作. 米勒. This new avenue promises to deepen my understanding of the art world and offer fresh perspectives on curating and managing exhibitions. 此外, I’ve had the privilege of being selected to participate in the Annual Juried Art Show since my freshman year. 这个一年一度的活动, 每年春天举行, not only showcases my work but also connects me with fellow artists and allows me to contribute to the vibrant artistic community at Carthage. 这些机会丰富了我的大学经历, 为我提供了多种参与艺术的平台, 拓宽我的技能, 并与教授和同龄人建立有意义的联系.”


“从大二开始,我就有幸成为陶瓷工作室的助理. I’ve also had the exciting opportunity to participate in SURE 2023, representing the art discipline. 作为教授的助理. 格林, 我承担了一系列重要的责任, 包括混合粘土, 开发釉料和滑片, 整理工作室用品, 库存管理, 保证窑室的顺利运行, 补充材料. It’s been a hands-on experience that has given me a deeper understanding of the practical aspects of ceramics and studio management.

“此外,博彩网址大全的SURE是我旅程中重要的一部分. This program invites students from all majors to engage in intensive full-time research alongside professors. 就我而言,由于专注于艺术,我一直在与教授密切合作. 米勒在夏天. My project has involved creating four impactful paintings centered around the theme of gun violence in schools. My aim is to not only raise awareness about this critical issue but also to educate others about the preventable crisis plaguing children and young adults in the United States.

“Both my role as an assistant and my involvement in SURE 2023 have allowed me to delve deeper into my major and gain practical experience that complements my academic studies. These opportunities have expanded my horizons and provided me with invaluable insights into the world of art and research.”


“我毕业后, I have ambitious plans to venture into the world of muralism and take my artistic pursuits to a grand scale. I aim to continue working on larger projects that allow me to make a significant visual impact and create art that resonates with people on a deeper level. 通过我的壁画作品, I aim to inspire others to use their artistic voice to bring attention to important topics and issues they are passionate about.

“I plan to further my education and pursue a Master of Fine 艺术 in Studio Art and 艺术历史 and a Doctorate in 艺术历史! This advanced degree will deepen my understanding of art theory and history and enrich my artistic practice.

“最终,我的长期愿望是成为一名艺术策展人或艺术教授. 作为策展人, 我计划策划展示不同观点和当代问题的展览, 创造挑战和激励观众的空间. 另外, 作为一名艺术教授, I aim to share my passion for art with others and foster a new generation of artists who can use their creativity to influence positive change in society.”


博彩网址大全一直是难忘时刻和珍贵回忆的中心. One standout memory is the time I had the incredible opportunity to explore Art EXPO 2023 at Navy Pier in Chicago. 这次活动绝对是一个亮点, 让我对艺术世界有了一个迷人的一瞥. 参观2023年艺术博览会是一次令人敬畏的经历. The chance to witness some of the world’s biggest galleries and immerse myself in an array of artistic expressions was truly captivating. 这次活动让我加深了对多元而充满活力的艺术景观的理解, 它在我的艺术旅程上留下了不可磨灭的印记. 这一刻不仅扩大了我的视野,也点燃了我对艺术的热情. It was a reminder of the endless possibilities and opportunities that await in the creative realm. 这段记忆概括了我在博彩网址大全经历的精髓——一种探索的融合, 发现, 也是对艺术变革力量的庆祝.”


“My 8-year-old self would be bursting with excitement and joy to see that I’m genuinely following my heart and flourishing as an art student. The realization that I’ve embraced my passion and transformed it into my studies and career path would undoubtedly fill my younger self with immense pride and anticipation for the creative journey ahead.”